Get in Touch with TJ Tactical
TJ Tactical is part of Thomas Jacks. As such, if you wish to get in touch, please contact Thomas Jacks at the details shown below.
Please note: Visitors are welcome to our office and showroom, but this is strictly by appointment only. If you arrive at our offices without an appointment we may not be able to grant you access to the building and you could be turned away.
Our contact details are as follows:
Postal Address & Showroom
Thomas Jacks Limited,
Apex House,
Timothy’s Bridge Road,
CV37 9BF,
United Kingdom
Telephone and Email
Tel: +44 (0)1789 264100
Fax: +44 (0)1789 264200
Company Registered in: Company Registered in England & Wales
Company Reg No: 2911691
VAT No: GB 589 5913 71